NABH - National Accreditation Standard for Hospitals and Health care providers 5th Edition, April 2020
Accreditation standard for hospital and Healthcare Providers, 5th Edition April, 2020 is released in the April 2020. NABH accreditation standards for Hospitals, 5th Edition is recognised by International society for Quality Healthcare External Evaluation Association, and the accreditation is valid till April 2024.
National Accreditation Board for Hospitals and Healthcare Providers (NABH) is a constituent board of Quality Council of India (QCI), set up to establish and operate accreditation programme for healthcare organizations. NABH has been established with the objective of enhancing health system & promoting continuous quality improvement and patient safety. The board while being supported by all stakeholders, including industry, consumers, government, has full functional autonomy in its operation. NABH provides accreditation to hospitals in a non-discriminatory manner regardless of their ownership, legal status, size and degree of independence.
Our document kit is having sample documents required for system implementation of NABH accreditation as per latest National accreditation board of hospitals and healthcare provider standard (5th Edition April, 2020), an Accreditation standards for Hospitals and health care organizations having more than 50 beds capacity. The documents are prepared by the highly experienced team of people with rich experience of hospitals system establishment and process improvement and many hospitals are appraised successfully.
The complete set of hospital and health care - NABH documents will assist in effective accreditation process. It is based on hospital accreditation system requirements which assists user to understand quality requirements that helps to achieve fast and effective hospital accreditation certification. The content of the NABH document kit are listed below: